
Accident And Injury Attorneys


Abogados De Accidentes

Queens Car Accident Lawyer

Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP.

Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP.

Richard S. Jaffe, Trial Attorney and Litigator

June 27, 2024

Plenty of laws have been enacted to protect the public from harm caused by vehicle collisions, yet they continue to occur. This is because negligent drivers violate these laws and fail to keep others in mind while behind the wheel. The other driver in your accident did not take safety as seriously as they should have and injured you in the process.

You are probably frustrated at this turn of events, especially if you are a careful driver who follows traffic laws. Other people’s careless actions can cause you serious harm, and those people should be held accountable for all the suffering they put you through. The Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP can help you hold these parties responsible.

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Statistics of Car Accidents in Queens, NY

Due to its dense population and high traffic volume, Queens, NY, experiences a significant number of car accidents annually. According to the New York City Department of Transportation, Queens accounted for approximately 25% of the city’s total car accidents in recent years. In 2023, there were over 30,000 reported crashes, resulting in thousands of injuries and hundreds of fatalities. The most common types of collisions include rear-end crashes, side-impact accidents, and pedestrian-involved incidents.

Key intersections and busy roads, such as Queens Boulevard and Northern Boulevard, are hotspots for accidents due to heavy traffic and complex intersections. Additionally, numerous commercial vehicles and public transportation options add to the congestion and potential for accidents. Understanding these statistics highlights the importance of adhering to traffic laws and practicing safe driving to reduce the risk of accidents in Queens.

Relevant Traffic Laws in Queens

Queens operates under New York State traffic laws, which are designed to ensure the safety of all road users. Key laws include strict regulations against distracted driving, such as prohibiting the use of handheld electronic devices while driving. Drivers caught texting or using their phones without a hands-free device face hefty fines and points on their licenses.

Speed limits are rigorously enforced, with residential areas typically set at 25 mph and higher speeds allowed on major thoroughfares. The state also enforces a zero-tolerance policy for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, with severe penalties including fines, license suspension, and possible imprisonment.

Pedestrian right-of-way laws require drivers to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections, while bike lane regulations mandate that vehicles respect designated bicycle lanes. Adhering to these traffic laws is crucial for reducing accidents and ensuring the safety of all road users in Queens.

Types of Car Accident Cases We Handle in Queens, NY

At Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP we handle a wide range of car accident cases in Queens. Our experienced attorneys are equipped to manage complex cases involving:

  • Rear-End Collisions: Often caused by distracted driving or tailgating, these accidents can result in significant injuries such as whiplash and spinal damage.
  • Side-Impact Crashes: Commonly occurring at intersections, these accidents can lead to severe injuries due to the lack of protection on the sides of vehicles.
  • Head-On Collisions: These are among the most dangerous types of accidents, often resulting in catastrophic injuries or fatalities.
  • Pedestrian Accidents: Pedestrians hit by vehicles can suffer life-threatening injuries, and these cases require careful investigation to establish liability.
  • Motorcycle Accidents: Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable on the road, and accidents can lead to severe injuries or death.
  • Truck Accidents: Due to their size and weight, truck accidents can cause extensive damage and severe injuries.

Our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive legal support to ensure our clients receive the compensation they deserve for their injuries and losses.

Causes of Most Car Accidents in Queens

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents in Queens. Activities such as texting, talking on the phone, eating, or using in-car technologies can divert a driver’s attention from the road. Even a momentary lapse in focus can lead to serious collisions. It is crucial for drivers to stay alert and minimize distractions to prevent accidents.

Speeding and Reckless Driving

Speeding and reckless driving significantly contribute to car accidents. Drivers who exceed speed limits or engage in aggressive behaviors such as tailgating, frequent lane changes, and running red lights increase the risk of collisions. These actions reduce the driver’s reaction time and control over the vehicle, making accidents more likely and often more severe.

Drunk or Impaired Driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs remains a major cause of accidents in Queens. Impaired drivers have reduced reaction times, impaired judgment, and diminished coordination, all of which can lead to serious accidents. Strict enforcement of DUI laws and public awareness campaigns are essential to combat this issue.

Poor Road Conditions and Weather

Poor road conditions, such as potholes, uneven surfaces, and inadequate signage, can lead to accidents. Additionally, adverse weather conditions like rain, snow, and fog reduce visibility and road traction, increasing the likelihood of crashes. Drivers must adjust their driving habits to account for these conditions to maintain safety on the roads.

Types of Injuries Commonly Sustained in Car Accidents

Car accidents can result in a wide range of injuries, varying in severity from minor to life-threatening. Common injuries include:

  • Whiplash: This neck injury occurs when the head and neck suddenly jerk during a collision, often in rear-end accidents.
  • Fractures: Broken bones are frequent in car accidents, affecting various parts of the body, including arms, legs, ribs, and the skull.
  • Head Injuries: Concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can result from the impact, leading to long-term cognitive and physical impairments.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Damage to the spinal cord can cause partial or complete paralysis, significantly altering the victim’s quality of life.
  • Internal Injuries: Internal bleeding and damage to organs like the liver, spleen, and kidneys require immediate medical attention and can be life-threatening.
  • Cuts and Lacerations: Broken glass, metal, and other debris can cause deep cuts and lacerations, leading to significant blood loss and infection risks.
  • Soft Tissue Injuries: Sprains, strains, and contusions to muscles, ligaments, and tendons are common, causing pain and limiting mobility.

We Will Help You Establish Negligence in Your Queens Car Accident Claim

Most car accidents are brought about by human negligence, in one form or another.

These accidents could likely be prevented if people made safety a priority. You will be responsible for proving that the other party should have prevented the accident by engaging in responsible driving practices, as their actions impacted your safety, whether this was an accident between two cars, a car and a pedestrian, a car and a truck, or a car and a motorcycle or bicycle.

Those in vehicle manufacturing must take every precaution when designing and manufacturing cars and auto parts to ensure that the vehicles themselves do not cause accidents or injuries due to errors in the manufacturing process. If there is a party involved in your accident who did not fulfill this responsibility—and you were harmed as a result—they could also be liable to pay your losses.

Your Queens car accident lawyer can help you determine whose negligent actions brought about your accident. We can go after anyone who was responsible for causing you harm and damages.

It May Seem Overwhelming, But You Absolutely Should File a Claim After a Car Accident

After you have been injured in a car accident, you may be considering filing a car accident claim. The claim process can be overwhelming for some people. You may question where to begin with the process. However, the reasons to file a claim are plentiful. Read on to learn more about what there is to gain from pursuing justice after your accident.


One important reason to bring a car accident claim is to hold people responsible for their actions. Accountability helps teach people lessons about how their actions impact others. Accountability could keep people from harming others in the future.


Winning justice for an accident could be important to you as the victim of a car accident. It is not easy to move on with your life when you know that someone has not been punished for their actions. Justice could allow you to turn toward the future knowing that those responsible for what happened were held to account.

Financial Compensation

Filing a claim can result in financial compensation. Financial compensation is vital if you have suffered. You deserve to be compensated for the economic and non-economic losses you suffered due to the careless or wrongful actions of another. You should receive fair compensation, and a claim could make that happen.

Damages for a car accident could include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages
  • Lost ability to earn a living
  • Disability
  • Scarring
  • Disfigurement
  • Property damage
  • Medical bills
  • Mental distress
  • Cost of mental health treatment
  • Cost of physical therapy
  • Transportation costs

A Queens lawyer taking car accident cases with the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP could help you reach your goals of accountability, justice, and compensation. Call for a free case evaluation with a member of our legal team.

What Steps Should You Take After a Car Accident in Queens? Our Recommended Strategies for Fair Compensation

Following a car accident, you may have some concerns about taking legal action against the liable individual. Especially if you face serious injuries and another person was responsible for your damages and losses, we have a few recommendations for you to consider. The Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP suggests you utilize the following strategies.

Seek Medical Attention

As soon as possible after the accident, we strongly recommend you seek medical attention. By seeking medical care as soon as possible, you limit the severity of injuries that could worsen over time. You also boost your odds of healing more completely and more quickly when you visit the doctor as soon as possible.

While the emergency room can administer emergency care, you should also seek additional care from other medical professionals who can give you more information and long-term care instructions. A doctor can evaluate you for injuries, recommend next steps, refer you to additional specialists when necessary, and more.

If you need support finding medical care providers you can trust, don’t hesitate to speak with an attorney at the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP. We can point you in the right direction, refer you to providers we stand behind, or help you explore other options you might have at your disposal.

Follow Medical Care Recommendations

After your doctor’s appointments, make sure you follow every single recommendation providers suggest to you. This includes going to additional appointments as scheduled, reaching out to additional providers they recommend, using medication as directed, getting surgeries and procedures done, and doing any exercises they recommend.

By seeking medical care and following doctor directions as closely as possible, you are much more likely to receive fair compensation for your losses related to your car accident. Your damages are also far more likely to be accurately represented in any bills and documents you provide during litigation.

Stay Off Social Media

While you may feel tempted to post on social media during your legal case, we encourage you to avoid doing so. Instead, we suggest you deactivate or log out of all your social media and online accounts so you can reduce the risk of posting online. 

Even when your comments, posts, photos, or videos are not related to your case, other parties may attempt to use your accounts against you. And while privacy settings and other restrictions can be applied, your posts may still be accessible to other parties. For more information about social media and why you should avoid it, don’t hesitate to ask our team for additional details.

Don’t Discuss Legal Matters With Others

While discussing your circumstances with friends and family might feel comforting, we recommend you avoid discussing legal matters with anyone. The only person we suggest you discuss your case with is your attorney, as they can guarantee a higher level of confidentiality and privacy surrounding your case. Any information you share with others might be used against you, so please do your best to avoid this risk.

Report the Accident

If you have not already done so, we recommend you report the car accident to the appropriate authorities. This will make it far easier for you to take legal action in the near future, establish a certain level of evidence for your case, and generally ensure you follow the law during the process.

Limit the Information You Give Insurance Companies

We commonly discuss our cases with insurance companies, at least whenever they regard car accidents. But when talking to either your insurance company or another party’s, we strongly recommend you do so only under the guidance of an experienced attorney and that you give them as little information as possible. In addition to limiting the information you provide, we encourage you to wait on signing settlement paperwork before speaking with a lawyer.

Speak to a Lawyer

It is never too early to speak with a car accident lawyer, even if you have not spoken with your insurance company. An attorney can support you in making strong decisions, give you additional guidance, and reduce stress related to your case. Your lawyer can support you through every single step we have described.

Follow Your Lawyer’s Recommendations for Further Steps

After retaining a lawyer, such as one from the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP we recommend you follow their recommendations for your next steps and strategies. Depending on your specific needs and circumstances, you will benefit from tailored recommendations and directions. We can help ensure you put your best foot forward and prioritize your interests. Don’t hesitate to contact us for additional information and support during your car accident claim.

A Queens Car Accident Lawyer Can Strengthen Your Case and Improve Your Odds at Securing Damages

You have been through a lot after your car accident. You may have been injured and have suffered physical pain. You might be dealing with mental health issues and financial fallout. An accident can change your life in many negative ways. You may not be able to handle a claim on your own when you are already dealing with so much. You may want to partner with a Queens car accident lawyer.

Your lawyer can do a lot of the car accident claim work on your behalf. We have the legal experience and resources to handle your claim. You can focus on your health and recovery while we focus on winning your case. Here are some of the ways we will fight for you.

We Will Analyze the Accident and its Causes

We will investigate your accident to determine who was at fault. We also collect evidence to prove:

  • The fault for your accident
  • The existence of your injuries
  • The existence of your car accident losses
  • The connection between the accident and your losses/injuries

If you were hit by a driver who fled the scene, the violator could be punished with “two hundred fifty dollars or a sentence of imprisonment for up to fifteen days or both such fine and imprisonment” under Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) §600.

We will Help You Fight for Fair Damages

We evaluate your accident damages to determine how much your claim is worth.

Your team will then fight for your right to compensation. We can even go to trial for car accident cases, as needed. Our firm is prepared for all options.

We Will Handle the Insurance Company so You Don’t Have to

We are ready to complete claim paperwork for you and assist you with collecting medical documentation. You will not have to deal with insurance negotiations. This way, you will not have to feel re-victimized by insurers who might treat you unfairly.

How Else Can a Car Accident Lawyer Support You?

There are many ways for a car accident lawyer to support you during car accident claims, so we recommend you work with a qualified attorney during legal matters. An attorney from the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP can support you in numerous ways, including but not limited to the following:

  • Conduct an independent investigation into the accident
  • Work with medical professionals
  • Negotiate with every party to recover a satisfactory settlement
  • Prepare your case for court
  • Collect evidence to prove liability
  • Consult with experts to determine the full scope of your damages
  • Assure that all documents are filed correctly and in a timely manner
  • Review your damages to determine the total value of your claim
  • Communicate with the other parties on your behalf
  • Organize your medical records and bills
  • Work with your healthcare providers to obtain any missing records
  • Organize and present the evidence to prove liability and damages
  • Access research methods and tools only available to legal professionals
  • Quicker delivery of documents from law enforcement and doctors
  • An understanding of the legal system and how to make it work for you

Please refrain from representing yourself during your car accident claim, as it is extremely likely to result in lost compensation, undue stress, and lengthier litigation. When you retain an attorney from the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP we can ensure you receive as much compensation as possible, decrease stress related to your case, and shorten litigation time by a significant margin.

Our team works on contingency and also offers free consultations, so you don’t have to worry about additional financial stressors when you work with us. Instead, you can receive compensation for attorney fees and hold the liable parties accountable for all of your losses. Please contact the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP for more information and support. When you call us as soon as possible, we can do even more to improve the likelihood of outstanding results in your claim.

Consider our Past Clients’ Feedback when You Consider the Law Offices of Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP

Our firm’s founding partners have over 100 years of experience combined. We want to apply our team’s collective knowledge and resources to your case. Let us help you and your family.

We have been able to help many New Yorkers in our time serving our community. Some of our past clients have left testimonials like these about their experiences with us:

  • “You may be assured that, should I ever require legal assistance in the future, I would not hesitate to engage your firm, nor would I hesitate to recommend you to anyone who would require legal services.”
  • “The partners are responsive and knowledgeable.”

Do not hesitate to reach out to speak to a member of our team so we can get started on your case.

Partially Responsible for the Car Accident? We Can Help Even if You Believe You are Partially at Fault for the Accident

New York’s Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) §1411 states that your damages will be reduced according to your percentage of fault. As long as the other party is primarily responsible, you can still collect compensation. Speak to your lawyer about your accident to learn more.

Obtain Legal Assistance with a Car Accident Case in Queens: Contact the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP for Valuable Assistance Today

New York car accident laws can be a challenge for the average person to understand, and they become even more complicated in situations in which third parties like Uber or Lyft are involved. That is why it is important to have legal help when filing a car accident claim. Your Queens car accident lawyer can help you meet the statute of limitations imposed on lawsuits by CVP §214 as well (if you choose to pursue one). We can help you prove your case.

A Queens lawyer familiar with car accidents at the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP is standing by, ready to assist you and help you get the compensation and justice you need. Call us today at (718) 280-5337 or contact us online to obtain a free case evaluation.

Resources For Queens, New York Car Accident Cases

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