In a devastating incident in Queens, New York, a family faces tragedy as 16-year-old Jael Zhinin lost her life in a vehicular accident, leaving her 8-year-old sister, Leslie, in critical condition. The sisters had been celebrating the last day of school with a trip to a nearby park and were on their way home when the accident occurred at a local intersection.
According to the police report, the tragic accident took place outside I.S. 125 Thom J. McCann on 47th Ave. near 46th St. in Sunnyside at approximately 3:25 p.m. It is believed that the accident might have been caused by a truck carrying water that struck the children as they crossed the street. The driver was apprehended shortly after the incident just a block away from the scene.
Maria Sumba, 39, the mother of the two girls, expressed her deep sorrow through a translator. She described Jael as an “angel,” a helpful and sweet presence at home, who had dreams of becoming an engineer. The girls, who attended different schools, were said to be inseparable and shared a very close bond.
Initial investigations suggest the possibility that the truck driver did not realize he had hit anyone. Police are also considering that sun glare might have impaired the driver’s ability to see the children at the crossing.
Source: New York Daily News