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Long Island Sexual Assaults on Cruise Ships Lawyer

When you are on a cruise, you should not have to worry about whether you are at risk of sexual assault by another passenger or a member of the crew. Sadly, rapes and other types of sexual assault happen all too often on cruise ships and during excursions.

Cruise lines should take the necessary steps to protect passengers against sexual assaults and take decisive action when an assault occurs. In too many cases, however, they seem content to do nothing.

Though the laws that govern criminal acts on cruise ships are extremely complex, they do not take away from a victim’s right to seek justice. When cruise line negligence or the crew’s negligence contributes to an attack, the victim may have a right to compensation for the injuries suffered in the incident.

At the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP we have extensive experience representing clients who have been the victims of sexual assault on cruise ships. You can contact us today for a free consultation about your rights and the steps we can take to obtain justice for you.

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About Sexual Assaults Aboard Cruise Ships

It’s hard to say how often sexual assaults occur aboard cruise ships. One press report in 2014 claimed that there had been more than 150 reported cases of alleged rape and sexual assault aboard cruise ships that visit U.S. ports since 2010. Another database of sexual attacks on cruise ships documents dozens of complaints.

Cruise lines have little incentive and no real requirement to report sexual assaults that happen on their ships. When a rape or another criminal assault happens, their response may be dictated by the laws of a foreign port. In addition, the statute of limitations for pursuing civil action in an incident that happened at sea is very short – sometimes as little as six months from the date of the attack.

But, if the cruise line or ship crew’s negligence contributed to an assault on a passenger by another passenger, by a crew member on a passenger or by one crew member on another member of the crew, the victim may seek to hold the cruise line liable through a lawsuit. This includes situations such as:

  • Negligent hiring of a crew member with a known history of criminal or sexual assault.
  • Failure to effectively deal with a complaint of inappropriate contact or attention.
  • Inadequate security that allowed an assault to take place, such as failed locks on a cabin door, poor lighting in a public area, or failure to respond to obvious distress or calls for help.
  • Failure to cut off alcohol service to an intoxicated or belligerent passenger who later committed an assault.

The cruise line may also be held liable for further injury, including psychological injury, for handling the aftermath of a sexual assault in a negligent manner. Proper handling would include, but not necessarily be limited to, providing adequate medical care to the victim and restraining the assailant.

In order to protect your rights after being assaulted on a cruise ship, it is important that you seek legal information from an attorney experienced with cruise line negligence as soon as possible after the incident in which you were injured.

Contact our NY Cruise Ship Sexual Assault Injury Lawyers

The cruise ship injury lawyers of the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP have extensive experience with state and federal laws, and international treaties that pertain to criminal acts and negligence on cruise ships, including cases of sexual assault, rape and other forms of criminal assault.

Our cruise ship negligence attorneys also understand how upsetting and potentially embarrassing it can be for victims of sexual assault to pursue a legal action. You have our promise to handle your case with the highest level of sensitivity, discretion and professionalism. Our only concern is to see that you receive the justice you deserve, and we will work diligently to pursue your case in the most efficient and stress-free manner possible.

Call our Long Island law firm at 866-878-6774 or contact us online now for an immediate response. Our New York cruise ship assault attorneys are ready to provide a free consultation about the legal options available to you. We can meet at your home, a hospital or wherever it is convenient and comfortable for you.

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