
Accident And Injury Attorneys


Abogados De Accidentes


Preventing Car Accidents When Backing Up reports that backup accidents disproportionately affect children between the ages of one to two years old. The same source notes that 70 percent of the time, these accidents involve parents or close relatives.

Backup accidents can happen anywhere, from driveways to crowded parking lots. There’s a host of things motorists can do to avoid these collisions. When drivers don’t take reasonable measures to avoid causing harm, they can be financially liable for any resulting losses. This makes safe driving practices crucial.

How Motorists Can Prevent Car Accidents When Backing Up

Motorists can prevent backup accidents by:

Using Backup Cameras

Many new cars come with built-in backup cameras, which provide drivers with an extra set of eyes. The benefits of backup cameras are obvious: in addition to showing footage, sensors on the car alert the driver to any obstacles.

However, backup cameras are not completely foolproof. Drivers shouldn’t solely rely on these devices while backing up. They should still observe their surroundings, check for obstacles, and use their rear-view mirrors.

Refraining From Distracted Driving

While backing up, your attention should solely be on driving. Avoid using your cellphone, answering calls, and sending messages. If you want to text or adjust the radio station, do so when the car is not in motion.

Accounting for Family Members

As noted, many backup accidents happen between family members. Before exiting a spot, mentally account for all children and loved ones. For instance, if you’re taking your children to soccer practice, make sure everyone’s in the car – and not behind the vehicle.

Backing Out Slowly

Backing out slowly not only reduces the risk of hitting pedestrians but striking other cars, as well. You shouldn’t have your foot on the gas pedal when backing out. Instead, apply pressure to the brakes to ensure a safe exit.

Educating Your Loved Ones About Vehicle Safety

If your children are old enough, explain that even parked cars can move. This is a great opportunity to share other safety tips, including looking both ways before crossing and wearing a seat belt.

Using Your Horn

Don’t assume that other road users will see you coming. By using your horn, you can alert distracted or inattentive road users that you’re backing up.

Adjusting Your Mirrors

Every once in a while, you should check your mirrors’ positions. You should set your side mirrors so that you barely see the car’s doors. Ideally, your rear-view mirror should capture everything behind you. You shouldn’t have to adjust your rear-view mirror every time you use it.

What Happens If You Or a Loved One Suffer Harm in a Backup Accident?

New York operates on a no-fault insurance system. Per the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, all motorists must carry personal injury protection (PIP) coverage.

PIP insurance doesn’t only apply to motorists; it also applies to pedestrians. So, if you were hurt in a backup accident as a pedestrian, you can still pursue damages through your PIP insurance policy.

Matters can get complicated if you don’t have insurance or drive a vehicle. However, you still have the right to pursue compensation. A lawyer from our firm can assess your case and explain your legal options.

Who Is Responsible for My Backup Accident in NY?

Fault for your accident depends on your situation. Picture a parking lot. Cars in reverse must yield to oncoming traffic. Motorists can only back up when it’s safe.

Sometimes, multiple parties can share fault for an accident. For instance, suppose you were backing up when a speeding driver T-boned you. Here, both parties can shoulder fault. In New York, being partially responsible does not bar you from seeking damages. It can reduce your final settlement or court award, however.

Compensation Can Account for These Damages Following a Backup Accident

Recoverable damages following a backup accident may comprise:

  • Medical bills
  • Funeral expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Disability
  • Lost income
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Therapy

The overall value of your case depends on your situation, including the severity of your injuries and the cost of your medical expenses.

Backup Accidents Can Cause Serious Injuries

There’s no limit to the types of injuries backup accidents cause. However, some specific examples include:

  • Crushed bones
  • Internal bleeding
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord trauma
  • Nerve damage
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Burns
  • Sprains and strains
  • Torn ligaments
  • Organ damage
  • Amputations

These collisions can also result in mental health complications, like anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Our Car Accident Lawyers Can Build and Manage Your Collision Case

If you or a loved one suffered harm in a backup accident, our injury lawyers are ready to pursue compensation. The Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP has more than a century of combined legal experience. We’ve recovered millions for injured claimants and their families, including a $1.5 million settlement for a rear-end accident victim.

We offer free case reviews where you can explore your options today. To explore partnering with our Long Island injury firm, dial (516) 358-6900.

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