Accident And Injury Attorneys


Abogados De Accidentes

Understanding New York’s No-Fault Insurance System: Insights from a Car Accident Attorney

In Queens, New York, a recent car accident has brought attention to the state’s no-fault insurance system, a topic of crucial relevance for vehicle owners and operators. The no-fault system is designed to ensure expedited financial compensation for medical expenses, lost earnings, and incidental costs incurred by individuals involved in motor vehicle accidents, regardless of who is at fault.

The no-fault insurance policy requires every motorist to have personal injury protection (PIP) as a part of their insurance coverage. This allows for immediate coverage of medical costs and other expenses for the policyholder and passengers after an accident, fostering a more efficient process for receiving aid and avoiding lengthy legal disputes over liability in court.

Under New York’s no-fault law, there is a 30-day window following an accident during which individuals must file their claim to receive benefits, emphasizing the need for prompt action and awareness of the legal process. Importantly, this coverage is not unlimited; it is subject to the terms and maximum limits of the policy, just like any insurance provision. Therefore, those injured in car accidents should be mindful of their policy’s details and the extent of their coverage.

Source: openPR

If you or someone you know has suffered an injury or died as the result of an accident, contact Queens personal injury attorneys Cohen & Jaffe for expert legal counsel.

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